Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Top Ten Beauty Products: DAY TWO


I swear I don't work for Mary Kay -- they just have some great stuff. But I won't write a novel about this one.
Just for kicks, I will compare the MK mineral foundation with the ultra-popular Bare Minerals foundation.

MK: The texture is like that instant cake mix you buy in a box: velvety smooth, and good enough to eat. (Just please don't consume this stuff. Stick to Betty Crocker in that area...)

BM: Do you like orange cake? 'Cause that's what this mix will make. Yea, it's smooth. Yea, it comes in twice the color choices as MK -- but I doubt any of those choices will match your skin tone. (My favorites are Sunset, Florida's Naturals, and Candy Corn). Get the hint?

MK: Offers weary skin a soothing respite from harsh, drying powders.

BM: Feels really good on your skin -- for the first thirty minutes. After that, keep your face away from everything besides oxygen, because the powder turns into a sort of goo which will come off at the slightest nudge. If your skin is itch-resistant and you manage to leave well enough alone, then have no fear! the foundation will still find a way to irritate you... in the manner of congealing. Yes, congealing. After about five hours of wear you will start resembling a giraffe: you'll have splotches of orange all over your face.

MK: Removes shine for hours.

BM: My face looked like an oil lamp about twenty minutes after I applied the stuff. If I applied more, it would congeal even worse than before.

MK: $18.00

BM: $25.00 - 28.00

You decide.

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