Saturday, January 15, 2011

Things Which Make Me Happy. :-)

Who doesn't need to concentrate on the positive things just a tad more?

1. Long thunderstorms (with torrential rain, of course).
2. The Lion Sleeps Tonight (by The Tokens)
3. Driving with the windows down, and music playing
4. Bright colors
5. Suns & moons
6. The scent of spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, cypress...)
7. Going to the movie theatre - by myself!
8. Shopping
9. Drawing
10. (Genuine) Hugs
11. Happy inanimate objects!
12. Good listenders
13. Singing
14. Lace, pearls, and sparkles
15. Greenhouses (with mini waterfalls)
16. Playing "stylist" for people ;-)
17. Sharing a story
18. Sunsets and sunrises
19. Spreading hope with certainty
20. Quiet snowfalls -- they're magical.
21. Beauty
22. The expectant silence of an empty chapel
23. Flickering candles
24. Love
25. God

I was inspired to do this post by fellow Blogger, Lisa. You can check out her musings on

I want to hear what makes YOU happy! Leave some cheers below!

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